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 Tactile Graphics Project - About
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Improving Access To Graphical Images for Blind Students

Project Overview

The Tactile Graphics Project aims to increase universal benefit from graphical images (i.e., line graphs, bar charts, illustrations, etc.). It is a multidisciplinary project with researchers and practitioners from UW's Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Access Technology Lab, and DO-IT. Our goal is to enable K-12, college, undergrad, and graduates students who are blind to have full access to mathematics, engineering, and science. We have developed the Tactile Graphics Assistant which, when combined with off-the-shelf software applications, enables the rapid translation of visual graphics to a tactile form.

Research includes:

  • Developing machine learning algorithms that can easily classify images for processing
  • Developing image segmentation algorithms that can extract textual labels in graphical images
  • Developing algorithms to effectively place Braille text
  • Developing a tool (the Tactile Graphics Assistant) to facilitate automated tactilization of graphical images
  • Developing a workflow to efficiently translate visual images to a tactile form
  • Developing resources to assist in transcriber training

Research Funding & Support

National Science Foundation Grant (IIS-0415273) | National Science Foundation Grant (IIS-0335143) | University of Washington Royalty Research Fund | Adobe Systems Incorporated | UW Information School | Washington Research Foundation

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