image University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 Theory of Computation Images - Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 Images


Download and decompress the zip file. Adobe Illustrator CS and Braille29 font are needed to properly view the files.

The Tiger Pro Embosser is needed to produce embossed images. The images are varied in width and height. In Illustrator, go to File->Document Setup to view an image's dimensions. Then, in the print menu, select the proper paper size that would fit the image. If no existing paper size would fit, go to Printers and Faxes setting in Control Panel. Select File->Server Properties and create a form with the desired paper width and height.

Download Chapter 1 images

Preview Images

The following gif images are for preview purposes only. They are not meant to be embossed as tactile images.

sol1-4e copy

fig1-22 copy

exe1-16b copy

fig1-62 copy

exe1-21a copy

fig1-67b copy

sol1-5b copy

fig1-57a copy

sol1-7 copy

exa1-68e copy

fig1-32 copy

fig1-29 copy

fig1-48a copy

exe1-16a copy

fig1-63a copy

fig1-67d copy

exe1-24b copy

fig1-59a copy

fig1-59c copy

fig1-72 copy

exa1-68c copy

fig1-43 copy

fig1-61 copy

fig1-3 copy

exa1-68a copy

exe1-1b copy

sol1-4a copy

sol1-5c copy

fig1-57b copy

sol1-4f copy

fig1-8 copy

fig1-44 copy

exe1-21b copy

fig1-42 copy

fig1-59b copy

sol1-4d copy

fig1-63b copy

fig1-12 copy

exe1-1a copy

fig1-46a copy

fig1-20 copy

fig1-50b copy

fig1-6 copy

fig1-1 copy

fig1-10 copy

lem1-55 copy

fig1-50a copy

fig1-19 copy

fig1-18 copy

exa1-68d copy

sol1-5a copy

fig1-28 copy

fig1-27 copy

fig1-59d copy

fig1-34 copy

fig1-46b copy

fig1-67c copy

sol1-4b copy

exe1-24a copy

fig1-4 copy

fig1-57c copy

fig1-59e copy

fig1-36 copy

sol1-4c copy

fig1-67a copy

fig1-31 copy

exa1-38 copy

fig1-48b copy

exa1-68b copy

fig1-2 copy

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